Bot Access/Permissions
This page contains instructions on configuring which channels/roles are allowed to use the bot.
Last updated
This page contains instructions on configuring which channels/roles are allowed to use the bot.
Last updated
Only server administrators (users withADMINISTRATOR
permission) can modify StormBeatz settings!
This setting can be used to set specific channels where StormBeatz commands can be used. Commands will not work in other channels. If no command channel is set, commands will work in all channels the bot can access. You can set a maximum of 10 command channels. Server Administrators can bypass this setting.
settings cmdchannel [#channel]
Make sure the bot has the correct text permissions in that channel!
To remove a command channel, just use the same command again!
This setting can be used to set specific roles that can use the Music Commands. Only members with music roles, DJ roles, or admin permission will be able to use music commands. If no music role is set, all members will be able to use music commands (in the command channels only, if any are set).
settings musicrole [role]
To remove a music role, just use the same command again!
This setting can be used to set specific roles that can use the DJ Commands and are considered server DJs. Members with the ADMINISTRATOR
permission are considered DJs by default. If no DJ role is set, only admins will be able to use DJ commands.
settings djrole [role]
To remove a DJ role, just use the same command again!
This setting can be used to set roles that will not be able to use any StormBeatz commands in your server. Blacklisted roles are above music roles, so if a member has both roles, they will not be able to use commands. DJ roles and admins bypass blacklisted roles, so even if they have a blacklisted role, they will still be able to use commands.
settings blacklistrole [role]
To remove a role from the blacklist, just use the same command again!
This setting can be used to set voice channel(s) you want StormBeatz to play from. The bot will not join any other voice channel(s). DJ roles and admins bypass this setting, so even if you set this up, they will still be able to make the bot join other voice channel(s).
;settings voicechannel [#channel/channel ID]
To remove a voice channel, just use the same command again!